Friday, March 28, 2008

Draft Questionairre

Demographic Questions

- Name:
- Age:
- Genger:
- Where you live:
- Job:

If you were looking to buy an ideal car, what are the 3 things that are most likely to sway your decision?

- price (high or low)
- looks (colour, make, style, model)
- space inside the car
- safety / protection
- is it the most recent model?
- petrol consumption / low petrol emissions
- power in the engine / top speed
- accessories in the car (CD player, air conditioning , electric windows)
- low car tax


What type of car adverts do you find most interesting and entertaining?
- adverts about the power of a car
- adverts about the accessories in the car
- adverts about the advanced technology inside cars
- adverts which really don't advertise anything about the car but are entertaining to watch and thoroughly enjoyable.


Do you think that you would buy a car based solely on an advert you saw?

Do you prefer television or print adverts?

Do you have any favourite car adverts? If so, what are the reasons for you liking these adverts?

What Car do you drive?
- make
- exact model
- how long ago did you buy it?

What were your reasons for choosing the car you own? What features of your car are most important to you when buying it?

- price (high or low)
- looks (colour, make, style, model)
- space inside the car
- safety / protection
- is it the most recent model?
- petrol consumption / low petrol emissions
- power in the engine / top speed
- accessories in the car (CD player, air conditioning , electric windows)
- low car tax

Were you persuaded to buy that car by a certain advert you saw on TV or in Print? If so which one, and what about the advert made you want to purchase the car?

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